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Autobiography of a Yogi de Paramahansa Yogananda

35.90 CHF
Date de parution : 02.2019
Format : Relié
Nombre de pages : 268
Résumé : The book begins with his childhood family life! to finding his guru! to becoming a monk and establishing his teachings of Kriya Yoga meditation. The book continues in 1920 when Yogananda accepts an invitation to speak in a religious congress in Boston! Massachusetts! USA. He then travels across America lecturing and establishing his teachings in Los Angeles! California. In 1935 he returns to India for a yearlong visit. When he returns to America! he continues to establish his teachings! including writing this book. The book is an introduction to the methods of attaining God-realization and to the spiritual thought of the East! which had only been available to a few in 1946. The author claims that the writing of the book was prophesied long ago by the nineteenth-century master Lahiri Mahasaya (Paramguru of Yogananda) also known as the Yogiraj and Kashi baba. Before becoming a yogi! Lahiri Mahasaya's actual name was Shyama Charan Lahiri.
Plus d’information
Réf. 001-9781950330089
EAN 9781950330089
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