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The Physicists de Friedrich Durrenmatt

16.90 CHF
Date de parution : 11.2009
Format : Broché
Nombre de pages : 76
Résumé : The Physicists is a provocative and darkly comic satire about life in modern times! by one of Europe’s foremost dramatists and the author of the internationally celebrated The Visit . The world’s greatest physicist! Johann Wilhelm Möbius! is in a madhouse! haunted by recurring visions of King Solomon. He is kept company by two other equally deluded scientists: one who thinks he is Einstein! the other who believes he is Newton. It soon becomes evident! however! that these three are not as harmlessly lunatic as they appear. Are they! in fact! really mad? Or are they playing some murderous game with the world as the stake? For Möbius has uncovered the mystery of the universe?and therefore the key to its destruction?and Einstein and Newton are vying for this secret that would enable them to rule the Earth. Added to this treacherous combination is the world-renowned psychiatrist in charge! the hunchbacked Mathilde von Zahnd! who has some diabolical plans of her own. With wry! penetrating humor! The Physicists probes beneath the surface of modern existence and! like Marat/Sade ! questions whether it is the mad who are the truly insane. ...
Plus d’information
Réf. 001-9780802144270
EAN 9780802144270
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