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The Little Book of Heartbreak: Love Gone Wrong Through the Ages de Meghan Laslocky

23.50 CHF
Date de parution : 12.2012
Format : Broché
Nombre de pages : 272
Résumé : The perfect anti-valentine: a whirlwind tour through love’s most crushing moments What’s the best way to mend a broken heart? Forget ice cream! wine! and sappy movies. Journalist Meghan Laslocky advises: Read through the pain. From forbidden love in 12th century Paris to the art of crafting the perfect “I’m over you” mix! The Little Book of Heartbreak is a quirky exploration of all things lovelorn! including: • How serial cheater Ernest Hemingway stole his wife’s job just as their marriage was collapsing • Kinky spells cast by lovesick men in ancient Greece • Painter Oscar Kokoschka’s attempt to get over an ex by creating (and having liaisons with!) her life-size replica • Brooding crooner Morrissey’s personal creed about how romantic love is useless • The surprising science behind heartbreak and love addiction • The connection between World War II and what you talk about with your therapist • Insights into the tricky chemistry of monogamy and infidelity! courtesy of tiny rodents • And other lessons learned from ill-fated romances! lovers’ quarrels! and hell-hath-no-fury spats throughout the ages Featuring anecdotes from history! literature! culture! art and music! The Little Book of Heartbreak shares the entertaining! empowering and...
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Réf. 001-9780452298323
EAN 9780452298323
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